The human-bio-computer display for structural modalities is opened by the outstretched arm parallel to the ground. Structural modalities include correcting joint misalignments with low force precision realignment, pinpoint accuracy soft tissue manipulation, specific vector manipulation of ligaments, neural muscular reeducation, manual muscle testing for proper neurological facilitation and inhibition evaluating functional neurology, neuro- vascular receptor stimulation, neuro- lymphatic point stimulation, proprioceptive- deep tendon reflex technique, injury recall technique, sacral occipital technique categories I, category II, and category III. gait evaluation and correction. Resetting propiocepts, mechanoreceptors. nociceptors to their proper sensory thermostat setting, interlink evalution of nerological connections in movement patterns.

Between your skull and your pelvis lies the spinal column. The Spinal column is made up of 33 bones known has vertebra: 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 4 coccygeal. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves branch off from the spinal column and exit through the intervertebral foramen(IVF). There are eight cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, five sacral and 1coccygeal. Viewed from the side the spine has a natural S shape curve. The cervical curve is slightly concave. The thoracic curve is convex. The lumbar curve is convex. the curved act as shock absorbers. There are seven cervical vertebra which are numbered C1 to C7. C1 also called the Atlas connect directly to the skull and is responsible for the nodding motion of the head. C2 also called the Axis has a projection called the odontoid process which allows the access to pivot around creating the no motion. The thoracic spine has 12 vertebra numbered T1 to T12. It holds the rib cage protecting the heart, lungs and kidneys. The lumbar spine has 5 vertebra are numbered L1 to L5. This area of the spine allows us to lift and carry heavy objects. The sacrum consist of 5 vertebrae which are fused together. The sacrum is hooked to the pelvic bones on each side forming two sacroiliac joints. The coccyx consist of 4 fused bones where the ligaments and muscles of the pelvic floor attach.

The brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves are similar to electrical wires that run in your home to your lighting and your appliances. The spinal column is similar to the circuit breaker in your home. When a circuit breaker switches off it is similar to a vertebral subluxation, an alteration in its bony alignment. Someone can manually flick the switch off which would be similar to a physical injury that may misalign your vertebral column. In this case you have somato-somatic reflex where joint misalignment causes pain somewhere in the body. The injury may also cause a somato-visceral reflex where the physical misalignment of the joint disrupts the nerve function to a organ or gland. In both cases manually returning the joint to its correct position will solve problem. This is often called a chiropractic adjustment. The common reason the circuit breaker triggers it usually a overload or short circuit somewhere. You can go out and flip the switch back on but unless the cause of the short-circuit is fixed like a faulty socket or appliance it’ll keepswitching off. For the vertebral circuit breaker it is known as a visceral-somatic relex. In this case the faulty organ or gland must be addressed otherwise the vertebrae associated with this tissue will keep subluxating. A subluxation can be triggered by stress. This is known as a psycho-somatic reflex or psycho-visceral reflex. Easily corrected by the Net Mind Body Technique.
Cat II Pelvis Distortion

SOT or sacral occipital technique is a gentle yet powerful technique to adjust the spine. the system was developed by Dr.De Jarnette. It was named for the relationship between the sacrum and the occiput one area being the base of the spine the other being the base of the skull. SOT adjusting is able to pump cerebral spinal fluid from the base of the spine back up the spinal canal to the brain, the central nervous system and then out to the body via the spinal nerves. The pelvis forms the foundational support of the human skeleton in the upright position. SOT consist of three categories.
Category two is a sprain of the sacroiliac joint. AMisalignment that may happen when we accidentally miss our step from a curb or from a step. It can also happen when we lived something that’s too heavy for the sacroiliac joints to support. To correct category two SOT wedges are placed under the pelvis with the patient in the face up or supine position The positioning of the blocks combined with the weight of the body initiates the gentle correction.
Cat III Pelvic Distortion

Category three is a misalignment of the spinal column on the pelvis. With a category three the lumbar discs have become compromised by a narrowing of the inter-vertebral foramen, the opening between the vertebra where the the nerve root exits. People often refer to this as a pinched nerve. Category three produces pain in the low back and sometimes pain can radiate down the leg along the sciatica nerve. Correction is done in the face down or prone position placing the SOT wedges under the hip on one side and the head of the femur on the other.
Cat I Pelvic Distortion

Category I is a torsion of the dura mater which is the protective covering that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. This twisting causes a dysfunction in the movement of the cerebral spinal fluid. Cerebral spinal fluid is an ultra filtrate of blood. It protects the brain and spinal cord from trauma. This can lead to a lack of nutrition and an increase in toxicity in the nervous system since the cerebral spinal fluid both nourishes and eliminate toxins in the central nervous system. Category one symptoms arise from this reduced nerve function and can affect many tissues and organs throughout the body. Category one is also corrected in the face down or supine position. It is often accompanied by a first rib fixation which is attached at the C 7-T1 level at the base of the cervical spine. The blocks are placed on each side of the pelvis and the correction gently happens while the patient is breathing.
Your Feet Are Literally The Foundation On Which You Stand

The foot is a marvel in engineering.There are 26 bones in the human foot, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles and tendons. The 52 bones in your feet make up about 25 percent of all the bones in your body. Human feet evolved with the ability to do a wide range of activities. Our feet are designed to handle the jarring impact of running where the force of impact is over 3 1/2 times the body weight. The feet perform intricate patterns of movement like a ballerina performing a pure pirouette To the brute force of a 300 pound football lineman. The feet are ever vigilant in their sensory role maintaining both balance and posture. Foot mechanics play a direct role in the functional inhibition and facilitation of muscles that produce our gait pattern. Gait patterns are the way we walk as the leg moves forward the same side arm moves backwards and the opposite arm forward. The neurological feedback from our feet allows us to stand with ease. However the foot can be the source of both postural distortion and myofascial dysfunction. In today’s modern world the foot is subject to hard flat surfaces and is placed into a cushioned shoe. Most soles these day are made of rubber. That rubber contact to the earth is a whole other subject which I will discuss later in a concept called earthing. When wearing shoes we have a tendency to land on our heels first. This becomes a major’s source for injury. The shock of the impact traveled up through our legs can damage our joints. You may have had a knee or hip replacement or certainly know someone that has. One quarter of the total number of bones in the human body are located in the feet creating 33 joints connected by over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. The foot has three arches: the medial longitudinal arch, lateral longitudinal arch and the anterior transverse arch. These arches are formed by the tarsal and metatarsal bones. While there are many types of shoes and many types of orthotics only dynamic insoles are able to get to the root of the foot problem.
Morton's Foot

When you have cracks in your ceiling and around your doors you understand that there is a problem with your home’s foundation. Doctors often overlook the importance of the foot that may be the cause of all the cracks above. Never underestimate the connection between your feet and your posture. The enhancement of foot mechanics can translate into award winning postural improvements. These postural improvements will convert to maximum musculoskeletal pain reductions, improved sensory function of the mechanical receptors, maximize the bodies proprioception and restore proper myofascial function. Meaning you will have pain reduction and you will feel relaxed. Approximately 80% of people have a foot dysfunction. Standing and walking simply aggravates their symptoms. The postural distortion caused by poor foot dynamics was described in a term coined by Dr. Brian Rothbart, “bio-implosion.” in an article that was published in The American Journal of Pain Management, entitled The Innovative Mechanical Approach to Treating Chronic Pain: Bio-implosion Model. Bio-implosion is a postural distortion which begins in the fee and transfers up the entire body. It is demonstrated in figure 1. It can be visualized as the forward rotation of the hips and associated sway back, forward rotation and rounding of the shoulders and a head forward posture.

Morton’s foot is the major source and instigator of the musculoskeletal dysfunction and your pain. It is easy to spot on yourself when you are barefoot. It is an elongated second and sometimes even third toe. It can also happen with an elevated first metatarsal head. This formation of the foot from both the figure 2 and figure 3 can lead to either supination or pronation depending on which way you fall off your ice skate has seen in figure 4 unstable. The correction creates the stable tripod.