Acupuncture and TCM
The Eight Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Eight Principles (辩证) are:
1. Yin: Yin, along with yang is the most general classification for pattern diagnosis and it describes the relationship between the other three pairs of the Principles. Generally speaking, yin is Cold.
2. Yang: Yang, along with yin is used to describe the relationship between the other three pairs of the Principles. For example, Heat is Yang.
3. Interior: Interior describes diseases that manifest themselves in the Zang-fu organs or deep inside the body, such as qi, blood, and bone marrow. More broadly, it used to describe diseases that cannot be classified as Exterior.
4. Exterior: Exterior describes diseases that manifest themselves on surface of the body, such hair, skin, nails, and meridians. Its clinical features include body chills, fever, aversion to cold temperatures and winds, a weak pulse, and headaches.
5. Heat: Heat describes the absence of an aversion to Cold. If paired with an Exterior pattern, its symptoms can include a rapid pulse, fever, body chills, dehydration, and a sore throat. If paired with an Interior patter, its symptoms can include a preference for cold drinks, clear urine, and a slow pulse.
6. Cold: Cold describes an aversion to cold. If paired with an Exterior pattern, its symptoms can include body aches, a tense pulse, fever, body chills, and headaches. If paired with an Interior patter, its symptoms can include nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
7. Deficiency: Deficiency is used to describe a vacuity in qi, blood (Xue), or body fluids (Jinye). Depending on how it relates to Interior/Exterior and Cold/Heat, it can manifest as constipation, having a small appetite, dizziness, and slow pulse.
8. Excess: Excess is generally classified as any disease that can’t be identified as a Deficiency pattern. Usually, it means that one of the Six Excesses is present. Depending on how it relates to Interior/Exterior and Cold/Heat, it can manifest as quick pulse, sweaty palms, and sharp stomach pain
1. Yin: Yin, along with yang is the most general classification for pattern diagnosis and it describes the relationship between the other three pairs of the Principles. Generally speaking, yin is Cold.
2. Yang: Yang, along with yin is used to describe the relationship between the other three pairs of the Principles. For example, Heat is Yang.
3. Interior: Interior describes diseases that manifest themselves in the Zang-fu organs or deep inside the body, such as qi, blood, and bone marrow. More broadly, it used to describe diseases that cannot be classified as Exterior.
4. Exterior: Exterior describes diseases that manifest themselves on surface of the body, such hair, skin, nails, and meridians. Its clinical features include body chills, fever, aversion to cold temperatures and winds, a weak pulse, and headaches.
5. Heat: Heat describes the absence of an aversion to Cold. If paired with an Exterior pattern, its symptoms can include a rapid pulse, fever, body chills, dehydration, and a sore throat. If paired with an Interior patter, its symptoms can include a preference for cold drinks, clear urine, and a slow pulse.
6. Cold: Cold describes an aversion to cold. If paired with an Exterior pattern, its symptoms can include body aches, a tense pulse, fever, body chills, and headaches. If paired with an Interior patter, its symptoms can include nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
7. Deficiency: Deficiency is used to describe a vacuity in qi, blood (Xue), or body fluids (Jinye). Depending on how it relates to Interior/Exterior and Cold/Heat, it can manifest as constipation, having a small appetite, dizziness, and slow pulse.
8. Excess: Excess is generally classified as any disease that can’t be identified as a Deficiency pattern. Usually, it means that one of the Six Excesses is present. Depending on how it relates to Interior/Exterior and Cold/Heat, it can manifest as quick pulse, sweaty palms, and sharp stomach pains.
The Foundation of Body Posture=Your Feet

The foot represents a marvel in engineering. It has evolved with the ability to do a wide range of activities. Our feet are designed to handle the jarring impacts of running(over three and a half times one’s own body weight), yet perform intricate patterns of movement like a ballerina performing a pirouette. The feet are ever vigilant in their sensory role maintaining both balance and posture. Foot mechanics play a direct role in the functional inhibition and facilitation of muscles in gait dynamics and in the proprioceptive feedback that maintains one’s posture while standing. In July 1995 Janet’s’s Travell was introduced to forefoot varum peforation by Dr. Brian Rothbart. She felt like he had uncovered an important relationship between posture and the big toe, the third dimension of Morton’s foot or what Dr. Rothbart referred to as “Primus Metatarsus Elevatus.” So how do the feet play a role in posture and myofascial dysfunction? Use the button and save 15% off your order.
Discover Your Goldilocks Diet

A book written with with Hua. The book draws on six decades of learning and life experience, plus 28 years of clinical observations treating people that had seen, on average, over 20 doctors searching for someone that could help them. Also, 16 months of monitoring clients eating their Goldilocks diet, the one that was just right for them. Each chapter is full of gems in this interactive e-book connecting the reader to the latest scientific research and educational videos. This book addresses our current healthcare crisis. It addresses the area of the body that makes up 70% of the immune system. A book with information that could save your life or the life of a loved one. A book written to transform the current for-profit disease management system into a health producing public service. Check it out on Amazon and get your copy today and become part of a new health revolution.

The latest Scientific research tells us, Avoid One-Size-Fits-All Dietary Guidelines. INDEED, chances are the diet gurus not only don’t know what is good for you, they don’t know what is good themselves. The gastrointestinal tract is an ecosystem that has a huge impact on human health. Research has shown the friendly gut floral content of the intestine plays a role in autoimmune disorders, autism, inflammation, obesity, allergies, bowel disease, cancer, and even psychiatric disorders. Your gut may be the most obvious place to look for the origins of depression.
Being able to examine your microbiome is a game changer in health care.
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Google microbiome and heart disease
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Google microbiome and autism
Google microbiome and autoimmune disease
Google microbiome and obesity
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Google microbiome and multiple sclerosis
Google microbiome and psoriasis
Google microbiome and Alzheimer’s
Google microbiome and Lupus (SLE)
Chronic diseases develop over time before visible symptoms occur. A heart attack is not caused overnight; instead, it starts 20-40 years earlier by a diet and other stressors that caused both a physiological and immune system imbalance. The same is true for many other chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, obesity, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, etc. Western medicine does not address chronic diseases until symptoms show up – at which point patients are prescribed pharmaceuticals as seen on TV that only cover up their symptoms instead of fixing the root cause, and that is like cutting the wire when the oil warning lights up on your dash. You don’t see the light, but sooner than later you car’s engine will be destroyed. Now with technology developed at the Los Alamos National Lab you can discover the health of your microbiome in the privacy of your own home. What if the best you feel now is only the beginning of how great your health can be? You can now take control of our health and wellness in ways never before possible. Together we can create a world where we make illness elective, even if you are thoughtful about your diet, chances are that you are not as healthy as you may believe. That’s because your body plays host to trillions of microorganisms completely unique to each person, and if they aren’t thriving, neither will you. The test will personalize your diet for improved health and wellness based on LANL technology( Los Alamos National Lab).
Eat your way to health. Become a pathfinder and leave the for profit disease management system behind and join the wellness creation system. Please like my My Microbiome Facebook page. Please use my link to order your in home test kit. After you get your results, please join my My Microbiome Facebook group and start sharing your health, wealth. happiness and love, helping and encouraging others in their Life journey. #MyMicrobiome Thank you very much, Dr. W. David Berglund “MAHA” Make America Healthy Again
MegaSporeBiotic™ is a 100% spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic clinically shown to maintain healthy gut barrier function.The 1st ever probiotic to PROTECT its human host. This unique all-spore formula effectively RECONDITIONS the gut by promoting microbial diversity and maintaining key health-promoting, commensal gut bacteria. MegaSporeBiotic™ boasts a 5-year shelf-life, does not require refrigeration( Thus it will not be killed by the high temperatures of the gastrointestinal tract has refrigerated forms are), and maintains efficacy during antibiotic therapy( other probiotics are often killed by antibiotics). MegaSporeBiotic is a probiotic blend of 5 Bacillus spores that have been clinically shown to maintain healthy gut barrier function and overall immunity. The bi-phasic life cycle of the Bacillus spores allows them to remain dormant in harsh environments until they reach more favorable environments of the human gastrointestinal tract where they begin to feel at home. Once inside the large intestine, these dormant spores can change into their active, vegetative forms and begin colonizing in the gut. This unique probiotic blend aims to RECONDITION the gut instead of the constant reseeding with probiotic strains that cannot survive digestion or colonize the gut. MegaSporeBiotic has quickly become a household favorite among health practitioners and consumers alike. The 1st probiotic to PROTECT its human host. Among non-communicable diseases, intestinal permeability (metabolic endotoxemia) is the #1 cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Metabolic endotoxemia is a condition that stems from dysbiosis and a breakdown of intestinal barrier function. Intestinal permeability is present in most chronic diseases and is believed to be a major driver of many conditions. MegaSporeBiotic is clinically shown to reduce intestinal permeability by 60%, when compared to the placebo control group, in just 30 days without any additional interventions.